
New Single - Either Way 

I'm very pleased to announce the release of my new song โ€œEither Wayโ€!

My producer Braeden and I have been putting a lot of love and effort into bringing this together over the last few months. So pleased to be finally sharing it with you.ย 

Back to the Canoe Tour 

Road tripping across the USA on my Back to the Canoe Tour has been a blast ๐Ÿžโœจ๏ธ So great to reconnect with my friends along the river and make some new ones!ย 

Currently preparing to be back on the water paddling towards the Gulf of Mexico ๐Ÿ›ถ๐ŸŒ… I have my last show of this tour this coming Saturday in Mobridge, South Dakota, playing for my friends at the Bridge City Marina. Then, if the weather gods are kind, I will ship back out in my solo canoe to begin paddling the second half of Lake Oahe.ย 

Thank you for your incredible support everyone and see you down the river road โœจ๏ธ๐Ÿ™

A Great Time for Songwriting 

A great time for songwriting ๐ŸŽถโœจ๏ธ

Just about to start recording my new album and have some really exciting updates for 2024.

Hope you all have a wonderful week ๐Ÿซถ

Happy New Year  

Happy New Year everyone โœจ๏ธ

Hope you are all doing well as this new chapter begins. 2023 was amazing for me in so many ways, but I'm ready to make 2024 even better. Feeling very motivated to continue working towards the dreams I've had for years.

On the top of the list is to fulfill a childhood dream of canoeing across America, which has taken me about halfway now from the Pacific Ocean to South Dakota over the last two seasons. This year, the plan is to compete this voyage, of another 4000 km or so, to the Gulf of Mexico.

The second is to start regularly releasing the new music I've been writing, culminating in my next album. I have so many meaningful songs that I'm looking forward to begin sharing with you all.

Last but not least, I hope to be more intentional with building, appreciating, and maintaining the relationships with family and friends that I have been lucky enough to cultivate over the years. There truly are some wonderful people in this world and I feel very grateful to know and be loved by a few of them. That being said, everyone is on their own journey and life keeps moving so quickly. It's easy to lose touch, but even one thoughtful message or phone call now and then can mean a lot. I know it does for me.

Wishing you all a very special 2024. Let this be a year of following and fufilling your dreams with the people that matter to you ๐Ÿซถ๐ŸŒ…

New EP Release  

Grateful to announce the release of my new EP โ€œThe Lightโ€ ๐ŸŒ… ๐ŸŽถ

So pleased to finally fully share this collection of songs with you all.

Big thank you to Braeden Rangno and David Tallarico for their amazing work in the studio as producers and audio engineers.

Wishing you all a wonderful autumn โœจ๏ธ

Paddling and Playing Through North Dakota 

I've spent an incredible few weeks in Bismarck, North Dakota area and have met some amazing people here. While the natural beauty of Lake Sakakawea and the Missouri River in this region are truly inspiring, the kindness and generosity of the humans (and sometimes animals) I have met has been on another level ๐ŸŒ…๐Ÿ™

Feeling very blessed and grateful to spend this special one of a kind moment in time here with such good souls. Even if the weather for paddling has been a challenge and has kept me here a bit longer than expected, sometimes the best things happen when you have other plans. Thank you all so much โœจ๏ธ

On another note, I have a very special guest on my podcast "The Journey to the Heart" which will be coming out in just a couple days. It features an amazing songwriter I met named Aaron Butcher. We share some good stories, a lot of new music, including newly written songs. So, if that sounds up your alley, you can tune in and subscribe above or where ever you like to listen to podcasts ๐ŸŽค๐ŸŒ„


The Missouri Breaks and a New Podcast Season 

Hi friends! I am now making my way down the Missouri Breaks enjoying some incredible tranquility and wildlife along the way. Feeling blessed to be back on the river doing what I love.

I am also pleased to announce the launching of the second season of my podcast, "Journey to the Heart"!ย 

The first episode of the new season, is a wonderful conversation with Tracy Jerman, one of my hosts and friends from Great Falls, Montana. It is now available wherever you can find podcasts or through the link in my bio.

Also if you would like to support my canoe journey, podcast, or music directly, please consider joining my Patreon community! Every goes towards creating meaningful songs and conversations. Look forward to sharing some more amazing content there in the months to come ๐Ÿ›ถ๐Ÿž๐ŸŽถ

New Single "Into The Night" 

Hey friends! I just released my latest single, "Into The Night". It will be on my upcoming EP, โ€œThe Lightโ€ which I plan to fully release the beginning of October ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‚๐ŸŽถ

I wrote this about finding/fostering hope and love through dark times. Hope you like it and thank you for the incredible belief and support for my work and music ๐ŸŒ…โœจ๏ธ


Back on the River 

Thank you Signature Montana Magazine and Kay Bjork for the article about my bucket list adventure, paddling a canoe coast to coast across America!ย 

Excited to announce that I am very close to picking up where I left off last fall and continuing my journey down the Missouri River towards the Gulf of Mexico and will be launching back out into the water in the next week or two. This will also coincide with playing some shows along the way and the second season of my podcast, "Journey to the Heart" โœจ๏ธ๐ŸŽถ

Wishing you all a wonderful summer and see you out on the river road ๐Ÿ›ถ๐Ÿž๐ŸŒž

New Single "Threads" 

My new single โ€œThreadsโ€ is now out everywhere if you'd like to take a listen!ย 

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend ๐ŸŒ…

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